

河流和田野校园 at 九州娱乐官网 is a living field lab that fosters environmental projects that are scalable and transferable, with a liberal arts approach that will develop our students into citizens and leaders who understand the complexity of the issues from both the scientific and the human dimension.


河流和田野校园 at 九州娱乐官网 is the largest conservation easement in the state of Maryland – and there’s no place like it in the 世界. 4700英亩 生活实验室2.5 miles of Chester River waterfront, meadows, untouched hardwood forests, ponds, grasslands, marshes and riverine habitat. 只要10分钟 drive from the 九州娱乐官网 main campus, the 河田校区 offers students an unparalleled living classroom in subjects ranging from biology and chemistry to 环境艺术与人类学.

的 size and scope of what’s being done at the 河田校区 at Washington 在其他任何地方都无法体验大学生活. 河田校区是一个地方 for faculty and students to conduct hands-on field research and collaborate on everything 从土壤化学到鸟类迁徙. It’s a true test bed for exploring how commercial agriculture can work hand-in-hand with conservation and restoration efforts. 学生 are given an opportunity to conduct research and propose solutions applicable to real issues, not just in Maryland, but across the 世界.

河流和田野校园 at 九州娱乐官网 provides the opportunity for students to learn the skills necessary to become global socio-environmental leaders. 当我们的 students move on from their education and into the 世界, they will also become adult citizens of a 世界 facing critical, impending environmental changes. 我们想要 students to be creative and bold enough to develop 挑战的解决方案 我们的世界已经面临的问题.

的 diversity of habitat and ecology that comes with the sheer size of the River and Field Campus at 九州娱乐官网 offers opportunities for students to explore, learn, and immerse themselves in untrammeled wilderness and deeply connect with the natural 世界. 学生 will learn through the multidisciplinary lens of the liberal arts, giving them a broader learning experience that is unique when compared to other institutions. From environmental art to bird banding, students at the 河田校区 will be part of research and innovation that they will take forward into the larger 世界. 的y will become citizens and leaders who are well-informed, scientifically trained, and who understand the complexity of the issues from both the scientific and human 的角度来看.

食物计划 at 九州娱乐官网 is creating a one-of-a-kind wild food outpost at the River and Field Campus—an outdoor classroom dedicated to exploring the relationship between food and environment, and experimenting with and pushing the limits of wild food resources, from wild plants, insects, and animals, to microflora. 欢迎来到 永续农业区这是一个学习自然模式的地方.  学生们经常在秋天到这里露营 and spring break, and the campsite can be reached by kayak. 

这条河 & Field Campus at 九州娱乐官网 is managed by the Center for Environment & 社会 and is home to several important CES programs:

  • 福尔曼分支鸟类天文台
  • 本机草原 & 相关的生境恢复计划
  • 自然土地项目  


河流和田野校园 at 九州娱乐官网 is the home for much of the field research for the College’s faculty and students as well as the following programs 由环境中心运营 & 社会:



的 observatory is the only major migratory bird banding station on the Eastern Shore and one of the most active in the Mid-Atlantic. 2016年,学生和生物学家联合起来 13130多只鸟类,131种. 空间站的栖息地包括休耕区 fields, hedgerows, early successional shrub/scrub, second-growth woodlands, mature wood lots and the open water and mud flats of Foreman’s Branch and it’s 90-acre lake.


本机草原 & 相关的生境恢复计划

环境中心 & 社会的 experimentation in native grassland restoration of recently retired croplands began in 1999. Special priority was given to the restoration of the Mid-Atlantic coastal grasslands that once dominated the eastern Atlantic seaboard in pre-colonial times, 但现在几乎已经灭绝了. 草地很快就成功了, attracting a wide variety of new flora and fauna, including several species of birds 功能上从该区域消失. This success and other restoration programs in agricultural fields have been exceptionally attractive to 北方山齿鹑, a species in sever decline in the region. 河田校区已经开始运作了 as a proving ground that has spawned more ambitious projects such as the Natural Lands 项目.



Funded with a $700,000 state grant, this CES project is working with the Chester River Association, local landowners, and Tall Timbers Research Station & 土地保护 to restore buffers and native habitat along the Chester River to help re-establish 山鹑和改善水质. 2016年夏季期间,数了数 of summer calling males—averaging 25—was up for the seventh year in a row and was 创历史新高. 的se numbers represent the highest-known concentration of bobwhite in Maryland and are a result of the quality of habitat found throughout RAFI and the 用于维护它的管理制度. 

最近,自然土地项目 awarded a $500,000 grant from the National Fish & 野生动物基金会,以扩大 项目进入中岸. In 5 years the 项目 will have created 750 acres of native warms season grasses and almost 50 acres of wetlands. 
